In accordance with Law 34/2002 (July 11th) of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, we inform you that the website belongs to VIDAGANY LOGISTICA Y ALMACENAJE SL with Tax ID number B97607428, registered in the Trade Register of Valencia, volume 8206, book 5498, sheet 109, page V-105851, Inscrip. 1ª and based on Polígono industrial Pla de Rascanya, c/ Olocau 4, 46160-LLiria (Valencia).
You can contact us by sending and e-mail to the following address: [email protected]
This website and its contents, including texts, images, audio and any other materials, are property of VIDAGANY LOGISTICA Y ALMACENAJE SL or third parties who have been authorized by VIDAGANY LOGISTICA Y ALMACENAJE SL to use such contents. All rights are reserved. Complete access to this websiteis subject to the following conditions: only personal use is authorized, not commercial. Reproduction, copy, transmission, distribution o modification of the site or its contents is not allowed.
VIDAGANY LOGISTICA Y ALMACENAJE SL does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy or correctness of the contents of this website.
When visiting this website, the browser can store technical information in you computer: the use of cookies does not provide any personal information or information about your computer. They are just included to help you save time when visiting us again and help us in the design of out website.
Privacy policy
Any data the visitors of this website send to VIDAGANY LOGISTICA Y ALMACENAJE SL will be included in its database, in accordance with the Spanish Law 15/1999 (December 13th). Visitors may access their data at any moment, modify or cancel them, sending an email to: [email protected] or using the contact form.
Cookies Policy
VIDAGANY LOGISTICA Y ALMACENAJE SL, via this paper, includes its collection and treatment cookies policy, in compliance with the provisions of article 22.2 of the Law 34/2002 (July 11th) of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services.
What is a cookie?
Cookies are files that are downloaded in the user’s terminal (computer/smartphone/tablet) when accesing certain webpages and are stored in the memory of the same one.
Cookies allow, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the surfing habits of a user or its terminal, see which pages are visted, connection time, analyze the fuctioning of a page, see if tecnical problems exist, etc.
Depending of the information contained and the way the terminal is used, they can be used to identify the user.
What type of cookies exist?
There are various types of cookies, depending on different criteria:
Depending on ownership:
- Own cookies. They are the ones which belong to
- Third-party cookies. They belong to a third-party, different from, who will be in charge of treating the information collected-
Depending on their specific purpose:
- Technical and/or customization cookies. They are used to improve the service, locate incidencies, recognize users, etc.
- Analysis and/or advertisement cookies. The are used to analyse the surfing information and provide advertising, either generic or personalized.
What is the purpose of a Cookie?
Cookies are used to provide personalized services and/or advertising, to analyze the functioning of the system, recognize the user when he accesses it, locate incidencies and any problemas that may arise and solve them in the shortest possible time, as well as analyse and measure the use and activity of the website.
My prior consent is needed to include a cookie?
No prior consent is needed when installing technical cookies or those which are strictly necessary for the provision of a public service of the information society expressly requested by the recipient.
For the rest, the consent of the concerned user is needed, which can be requested through various channels. In case of, it shall be understood as granted if you continues using the web page, without prejudice to the withdrwal or disabling of cookies in any future moment.
What type of cookies currently uses
TECHNIQUES: OWN cookies, session cookies, identification cookies, configuration cookies and register cookies, all estrictly necessary in the user identification and for the provision of the requested services by the user. The information obtained from them is uniquely treated by
ANALYSIS/ADVERTISING COOKIES: Are those that, either treated in-house or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use the users make of the offered services. To do so, the surfing in our web page is analyzed, in order to improve the product or service offering.
EXTERNAL SOCIAL NETWORKS: Used to allow interaction of the visitors with the contents in different social platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), which is generated only for the users of such social networks. The terms of use of these cookies and the information gathered is regulated by the privacy policy of the corresponding social platform.
The anlaysis cookies used by are the following:
Google cookies
The information obtained by such is trated by and by the third party Google Ireland Limited
The so mentioned business offers us the audience analysis service of our webpage. They can use these data to improve their own services and offer services to other businesses.
For more information on this use and other uses, use the provided links.
These tools do not obtain data concerning the names and surnames of the users, or the postal code where they connect. The information obtained is related with the number of pages visited, the language, social network in which our news are posted, city to which the IP address from which our users access is assigned, number of users that visit us, the frequency and recurrence of the visits, the browser they use, the operator or type of terminal used to make the visit,
This information is used to improve our web page, detect new needs and asses the improvements made with the objective of offering a better service to the users that visit us.
How can I disable the cookies?
Most of the web browsers indicate how to configure it to not accept cookies, to notify the user each time it receives a new cookie, as well as to how to desactivate them completly. To control use of your information, you can configure your terminal’s web browser in the manner deemed to be in your best interest.
In any case, we let you know that if you disable the technical and/or functioning cookies, the quality of the web page may be diminished or it may take us longer to indentify you.
We provide you the following links where you will find further information about the different web browsers: